Friday, April 17, 2009

Chapter 1

Chapter 1(17-4-2009)
Dawn breaks with the loud sounds of birds chirping and soaring in the skies above. I woke up and prepared for the coming day.Well,it was friday and since I am a muslim,I had to go for friday prayers later on at around afternoon. I spent most of my time at home playing my PSP.I had plans to go out with his friend to buy some stuff.Well...Specifically it was just maybe shorts and shoes.His pal would be buying shirts for him in malaysia the next day.Heh."He will know what to buy,no worries!" I thought confidently.Well the plan was cancelled at the last moment due to time constraint.

During the evening,after friday prayers and other small things,I got a call from the same friend."He why don't you drop by my house and after that we can straightly go for Silat?" he asked."Why not?It'll be easier!Haha!" came the reply.So off I went to my friend's house,stayed there for a moment and went off for Silat in Woodlands CC.It's your average weekly training like usual.Heh,so what's new.Anyway,I had a little sparring session with one of my mates there.

And so began the fight,I'm not one of those regular fighters so my skills are not polished,"But i will still try." I spoke in my mind. Punches and kicks flew out with loud smacks on both me and my opponent's padding.I tried catching one of his kicks but he was faster and pulled back his leg.Punches came i dodged to my left as one of the punch whizzed by me.Sweats started dripping from my body,fatigue kicking in.Just as he was about to land one of his kicks on me i dropped and spun,looking above me as the kick missed.My leg managed to land on his back leg,he almost lost his balance but he didnt fell.My sweep failed.End of fight and as well the end of this chapter.I returned home and had a good night's sleep thinking about what would happen as a new day approaches soon

End of chapter

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