Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Was browsing through the net and found these funny motivational posters.Enjoy what you see!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Collectors edition

A few days back,which was actually on a friday.My manager found something interesting.She found a 50 cent coin that actually doesnt look like your ordinary 50 cent coin.It was gold in colour and slightly thinner.However,it was in the coin roll for our cash register.The coin roll came directly from the bank so it can't be fake can it?It weighs the same as an $1 coin and its gold like a $1 coin.I can only suspect that a coin thats supposed to be worth $1 had been accidentally dropped in the 50cents mould instead.I wonder...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Keeping it cool

Right now i'm just killing time on this blog while waiting for my next class which is at 1. The weather's hot,im wearing a black t-shirt which adds on to the heat.However,i've learnt not to complain as it helps on keeping yourself calm and the heat won't get to you.Maybe its me or maybe its someone up there helping me cool down as reward for not resisting and swearing to the weather or something like that.Only god knows whats really going on in this world.Right now,Fee's beside me playing facebook and asking me to blog about her.I really pity her for her breakout and she's been having it hard lately.Somehow,i think that she is really sensitive about her skin due to past traumatic experience.But,whenever she's not worried about it she will be back to plain old crazy, happy, fun and lame fee.:D. Even though she's now quite cranky about it,i know in my heart that she is still as pretty as i knew her always.Hmm,now its only 12.20pm. 40 more min to class.

Its kind of a drag to finish school at 11.30 only to know that we have an extra class to go to at 1 pm.And so, we're stuck here. I can't even go to my friday prayers even though i want to.I guess ive said what i wanted to say and since my trail of thought was interrupted.


Thursday, January 14, 2010


Oh and by the way.Click the red arrow at the top right to see my profile.thx


New look!New year!New perspective on life!

This pic has nothing to do with the post.Rly..

So as you guys can see, I just changed my blog skin yet again.Well i kind of like this one better ya know? And..my previous template died on me. So finally,its up again!

~~My first post for the year!~~

I was on my way to fee's house to send her back home from JP.Then i just realised that we should go to the nearby park there.Its as if,something,maybe my mind?my heart? called me to go there.So as we reached there I felt as if i was in a whole different place as we entered the park.Feels so calm and nostalgic.Its just peaceful.Ive decided when i have time again i want to rest there under a tree or walk around the long, long path.I saw something interesting,there was a digital clock tower and above it,some lights keep blinking and blinking.Then i realised,its actually a digital dice which keeps showing me random numbers.I wondered what was it for.Then,as i walked through the park i noticed that there are numbers 1 to 100 in blocks along the path and near the slides and recreational things.The whole park was actually a board game?! So me and fee tried it out as we take turns looking at the dice and see who reaches the end first.There are bonuses like slides which brings u from square 50 to square 75..Its like a huge snake and ladders game.In the end Fee won.Im sure to go there again..I think ive found a spot for me to just let myself go..
